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Month: May 2018

Why Networking is So Important for Your Job Search

Why Networking is So Important for Your Job Search

You are obviously serious about finding your next position. You spend your days and nights at your computer, filling out online applications, writing cover letters, applying, applying, and applying. But have you been networking? Many job search experts consider networking to be the most important, most effective aspect of a job search. This might not be what you want to hear, because you cringe at the thought of approaching others about your need for employment. But network you must, and…

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Artificial Intelligence 101: How to get started

Artificial Intelligence 101: How to get started

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Are you thinking of Chappie, Terminator, and Lucy? Sentient, self-aware robots are closer to becoming a reality than you think. Developing computer systems that equal or exceed human intelligence is the crux of artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of computer science focusing on developing software or machines that exhibit human intelligence. A simple enough definition, right? Obviously, there is a lot more to it. AI is a broad topic ranging from simple…

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5 Reasons to Study Networking Technology Now

5 Reasons to Study Networking Technology Now

Everywhere in the world, technology is changing the way we live and work. As director of engineering with the Cisco Networking Academy program, I am part of a global community dedicated to training the next generation of students who can build networks, develop apps, secure devices, and analyze data. Combined with an entrepreneurial spirit, these digital skills can help you stand out in the job market, forget your own path, and even empower you to do work with a purpose. Whether…

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