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Month: April 2018

Why SAP Skills are so Important

Why SAP Skills are so Important

In order to start a successful career after many years at school and university, SAP-skills have become an indispensable factor. Understanding SAP software and the ability to work with it is vital in many areas of the job market. For many positions today such skills are mandatory. When this is not the case, applicants can still be sure to enhance their chances to be accepted for a job when they can prove that they already bring SAP-skills from their time…

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Why Choose Online Learning?

Why Choose Online Learning?

Whether you want to take a few online classes or finish your degree 100% online, there’s no shortage of reasons to choose an online degree. Here are eight of the best. 1) Balance. Online degrees let you fit classes into your crazy, jam-packed schedule, making it easier to keep up with work, family, social stuff and school on your terms. 2) Anytime, anywhere studying. One of the benefits of online study is that you don’t have to get dressed, get in the car,…

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Approaches to online learning

Approaches to online learning

Adopting a coherent institutional approach to online learning often relies on senior managers developing appropriate strategies that reflect the needs identified by market research. Equitable and flexible processes should support these strategies to facilitate the development of online programmes that are as high quality, rigorous and credible as traditional courses. Supporting staff and learners to take full advantage of online approaches also requires an institutional commitment to hear and understand differing needs. The voices of past, present and potential students can provide substantial insight to…

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AI and Machine Learning in Cyber Security

AI and Machine Learning in Cyber Security

Zen monks have been using a tool called a ‘koan’ for hundreds of years to assist them in reaching enlightenment. These koans are like riddles or stories that can only be solved by letting go of ones narrowing believes and stories about how things should be. Zen students sit in silent meditation and observe how the koan is working on them, slowly transforming their way of looking at the world and revealing a tiny piece of the path to nirvana, that…

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